If you own an older model, you can purchase the new model for 20% less.
Plus, you get to keep your old model!
Thise products are part of our TradeUP program and can only be ordered by customers who have previously purchased an older version of these product. If you have purchased an earlier version through edelkrone.com, you are eligible to order these TradeUP product.
Please note, we reserve the right to verify your past orders before shipping the TradeUP product to confirm that you have purchased the previous version. If no record of the previous version is found, we may contact you to request the serial number or proof of purchase from another source.
If this request is not fulfilled, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund.

Current TradeUP Offers:

- HeadONE ist eine motorisierte Kamera-Schwenk-/Neigelösung, die in puncto Tragbarkeit und Vielseitigkeit unübertroffen ist.
- Mit einer benutzerfreundlichen App zur Steuerung kann HeadONE mit einem anderen HeadONE gekoppelt werden, um ein voll motorisiertes Kamerakopf-Erlebnis zu ermöglichen.
- Bei der Entwicklung von HeadONE wurde auch auf die Erschwinglichkeit geachtet, sodass professionelle Videografie für jedermann zu einem überraschend niedrigen Preis zugänglich ist.
- Trotz seines günstigen Preises überzeugt es durch eine beeindruckende Verarbeitungsqualität, die Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit gewährleistet.
- Durch die Kompatibilität mit anderen Slidern, Dollys und Jibs von edelkrone erreicht die Vielseitigkeit ein neues Niveau, bietet endlose kreative Möglichkeiten und beseitigt Einschränkungen bei der Videografie.
- Kunden haben von erstaunlichen Ergebnissen bei der Verwendung von HeadONE berichtet. Einige haben es für Zeitraffervideos verwendet, während andere es mit Schiebereglern für faszinierende Parallax-Aufnahmen kombiniert haben.
- Mit HeadONE hat die Reise zur Videografie der nächsten Stufe bereits begonnen. Schließen Sie sich den Reihen der Inhaltsersteller an und bringen Sie Ihre Videoerstellung mit der Leistung von HeadONE auf ein neues Niveau.

HeadPLUS (TradeUP)
This product is part of our Trade-Up program and can only be ordered by customers who have previously purchased an older version of this product. If you have purchased an earlier version through edelkrone.com, you are eligible to order this Trade-Up product.
Please note, we reserve the right to verify your past orders before shipping the Trade-Up product to confirm that you have purchased the previous version. If no record of the previous version is found, we may contact you to request the serial number or proof of purchase from another source.
If this request is not fulfilled, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund.

JibONE (TradeUP)
This product is part of our Trade-Up program and can only be ordered by customers who have previously purchased an older version of this product. If you have purchased an earlier version through edelkrone.com, you are eligible to order this Trade-Up product.
Please note, we reserve the right to verify your past orders before shipping the Trade-Up product to confirm that you have purchased the previous version. If no record of the previous version is found, we may contact you to request the serial number or proof of purchase from another source.
If this request is not fulfilled, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund.

JibPLUS (TradeUP)
This product is part of our Trade-Up program and can only be ordered by customers who have previously purchased an older version of this product. If you have purchased an earlier version through edelkrone.com, you are eligible to order this Trade-Up product.
Please note, we reserve the right to verify your past orders before shipping the Trade-Up product to confirm that you have purchased the previous version. If no record of the previous version is found, we may contact you to request the serial number or proof of purchase from another source.
If this request is not fulfilled, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund.

SliderONE v3 (TradeUP)
This product is part of our Trade-Up program and can only be ordered by customers who have previously purchased an older version of this product. If you have purchased an earlier version through edelkrone.com, you are eligible to order this Trade-Up product.
Please note, we reserve the right to verify your past orders before shipping the Trade-Up product to confirm that you have purchased the previous version. If no record of the previous version is found, we may contact you to request the serial number or proof of purchase from another source.
If this request is not fulfilled, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a refund.